Google Classroom
10th June 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
Last week, we have sent out your child's log in details for Google Classroom along with the class code that your child needs to join. This platform is going to be used for pupils in Year 1- Year 6.
If you haven't already done so, please can you support your child with logging into Google classroom. We had a few technical issues with Google Classroom yesterday, which is to be expected when launching a new platform. The main technical issues that parents were experiencing with regards to downloading items and requiring permisson should now have been resolved by our technical team.
The main ongoing issue that is not resolved is accessing the sound buttons in Google Classroom which are on the English powerpoints. As you will be aware, staff work really hard to record their voices into the powerpoint and we know this is really appreciated by parents and children. However, Google Classroom does not currently faciliate the playing of the recordings in the format that staff have created them in.
We are confident that from next week we will have resolved this issue as when staff create the powerpoints (with the voice recordings) they are going to do this in a different way. For this week, if your child wishes to use the voice recordings they may need to access these via eSchools.
Due to health conditions, Mrs Daly, Miss Hudson and Mrs Ashcroft are currently unable to work within one of the bubbles in school as the risk is deemed to be too high. Consequently, they are now managing the running of Google Classroom and are available to support parents who may be struggling with any technical issues. They will also be responding to messages on the platform across all classes.
All other staff are teaching in bubbles and therefore will not be available to respond to messages via eSchools or Google Classroom.
From next week, eSchools will not be used as our platform to share home/school learning on so it is vital that all parents try and move over to Google Classroom by the end of this week. Support is available in school, if you are struggling with this, so please do contact school and speak to Mrs Daly or Miss Hudson who will be able to support you.
Moving over to a new system always takes a bit of time to get used to but we have done this as we believe that Google Classroom will provide us with longer term educational benefits that cannot be faciliated through eSchools.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs McAleny