Wellies/old trainers

7th January 2022
Dear Parents/Carers, 
From Monday, we will be using the field again at lunchtime as part of our continued OPAL developments. Please ensure that your child has a pair of wellies or old trainers in school on Monday. If they don't have wellies or an old pair of trainers, they will not be able to play on the school field. At this time of year, the field is too wet to play on without a change of footwear. 
The PTA have very kindly funded the outdoor welly sheds for each class so the wellies and old trainers can be stored all together as one class which makes it so much easier for us.
We will be practising getting changed into wellies (particularly with our younger children) so hopefully they will become experts at getting changed into and out of their wellies/trainers quite quickly! 
Thank you for your continued support, 
Mrs McAleny