PTA Recruitment- please join us!

18th November 2022
Dear parents/carers, 
Our PTA make a wonderful difference to our school and as a Headteacher I am incredibly grateful to our PTA committee for all their time, effort and energy. They provide great events for our children/families and it does enable school to spend money on things that we otherwise would not be able to afford. Managing school budgets is becoming increasingly challenging. This is due to inflation costs, rising costs of gas and electricity, rising staff costs etc and it really is vital that our PTA is well supported and thrives so that we can continue to provide memorable experiences for our children, whilst raising much needed funds for our school. 
Every PTA has to have a chair and currently this role is shared across 3 people. However, understandably (after dedicating a significant period of time to school), the chairs of the PTA are looking to step down and we need to find a person or some people to step into this role. 
The PTA are holding their Annual General Meeting (AGMon Thursday 24th November at 7:30pm in school. It would be lovely to see some of our new F2 parents at the AGM as well so please do come along and join us. 
If you are interested in joining the PTA, please do come along. We don't need a huge amount of people to make a difference but the more people that volunteer, this load can be shared. Even if you are not interested in taking on a main role, everyone can still support through offering to organise and run an event or by volunteering to support at events. 
The PTA have compliled a really helpful information flyer which provides lots of useful information about the PTA and what being part of the PTA entails whilst giving lots of the benefits which come as part of supporting our wonderful school and being an important part of our school community. This flyer is attached to this email. 
I really hope that we will have lots of people joining us on Thursday 24th November at 7:30pm so that together we can continue to make a difference for our children. 
Thank you for your continued support and have a lovely weekend. 
Kind regards, 
Mrs McAleny