Kitchen closure.

30th November 2020
Dear Parents/Carers, 
I am writing to inform you that our school kitchen will need to close for one week from the 30th November- 4th December 2020. This will mean that all children will need to bring a packed lunch to school every day during this week. 
The school has recently been investigating excessive water usage and has now found a leak in a duct under the kitchen floor. Before the leak can be repaired, asbestos within the duct needs to be safely removed by specialist contractors. Once removed and the area checked by an independent certified surveyor to ensure all asbestos has been removed, the leak will then be fixed. For safety reasons the kitchen will be unavailable for use during this week. The area wiil be completely out of bounds to all staff and children during this time and part of the car park alongside the kitchen will be used by the specialist contractor in order to complete the identified works. 
I can only apologise for any inconvenience caused but can assure you that this work is essential and needs to take place as soon as possible due to the amount of water we are losing and the costs to the school associated with this. 
If your child qualifies for free school meals, we will be able to provide your child with a school packed lunch. We will contact you separately to find out whether you would like to have a school packed lunch, or whether you would prefer to send your child in with one from home. 
Please do not go out and buy a packed lunch box for your child for this week. We are happy for children to bring a carrier bag/paper bag into school with their packed lunch in just for this week. If possible, please label the bag just so we can easily identify who it belongs to. 
I will send out a further reminder nearer the time but just wanted to make you aware of this now so you have advanced warning. 
Thank you for your support and understanding with this matter. 
Kind regards, 
Mrs McAleny