Public Health letter

18th September 2020
Dear Parents/Carers, 
Please find below an important letter from Wirral's Director of Public Health. All Wirral schools have been directed to follow the advice that is outlined in this letter. 
Therefore from Monday 21st September, face coverings should now be worn by parents/carers when picking up or dropping off your child/ren at school unless you are exempt from wearing a face covering. 
School staff have also been directed to wear a face covering whenever we are on the playground at the start and end of the school day. 
I appreciate that some parents may not wish to do this but this advice is being requested based on the rising number of coronavirus cases on the Wirral. The measure is being put in place to try and reduce the spread of the virus and therefore to protect our school community. I would therefore urge all parents to follow this guidance. 
My staff team are working so hard to implement all our control measures to try and reduce the risk of coronavirus spreading. We have improved our timings at the end of the school day to ensure that we are dismissing the children on time and it is making a huge difference as it means that there is a reduction in the number of people waiting at the school gates. 
From Monday, our F2 children will be in school full time and therefore F2 parents will be invited onto the playground to collect their children. Please can I ask that parents do not congregate at the infant gate so that we can faciliate the F2 parents entering and exiting the playground as well as our Y1 & Y2 children. It is vital that all parents are on time collecting their child/ren from school. 
A reminder of the timings are below: 
F2, Y1 & Y2 plus junior siblings at 3:15pm. 
Y3-6 at 3:25pm 
Once you have collected your child, please depart promptly and please ensure that you are maintaining social distancing between other families. 
It really is vital that everyone works together to protect our school community and to try and reduce the transmission of the virus. 
Thank you for your anticipated support with this matter. 
Kind regards, 
Mrs McAleny