Jubilee fun afternoon

13th May 2022
Dear parents/carers, 
Please save the date of Friday 24th June 2022 from 2:00pm- 4:30pm. The PTA have very kindly agreed to run a jubilee fun afternoon for families. It will be held in school, hopefully outdoors (weather permitting) and will be a chance for families to come into school and join in the fun with your child. There will be lots of games for the children to play, but it is also an opportunity for our whole school community to come together as this has been so missed over the last few years. Many of our children haven't experienced some of the games that would be played at a summer fair and this is a wonderful opportunity for us to make sure they have a fun afternoon and will be a memorable experience to help celebrate the Queen's platinum jubilee. 
The PTA will be looking for parents, who are available, to come along and help out at the event. 
All of the money raised with help us to fund our future exciting OPAL developments. 
Further information will be shared over the next few weeks and we hope that lots of parents/families/grandparents will be able to come along and join us on this afternoon. 
Thank you for your continued support, 
Mrs McAleny