Author Visit

22nd September 2023

RE: Author visit – Damian Harvey.

This academic year, we are focusing on trying to increase the number of opportunities where our children can read for pleasure. Nationally, there is a decline in the number of children who are choosing to read in their own time and it is clear that social media and access to technology is having a significant impact on how children are choosing to spend their free time.

Reading is such an important skill and it is proven that children who read regularly make more progress in other subjects due to the positive impact of reading across the curriculum. Children who read will have a greater general knowledge as well as wider range of vocabulary.

This year, we will be looking at a variety of different strategies for increasing our children’s exposure to reading opportunities. Miss Nederlof (English lead) has arranged for author Damian Harvey to come to school on Friday 29th September 2023. Damian will host a whole school assembly and then will run workshops for each class throughout the day.

We are asking for parents to make a contribution of £1.50 per child towards the cost of the author visit. Payment can be made via Parent Pay.

Damian will also be selling signed copies of a selection of his books at the end of the day for £5.00.   His stall will be under the canopy at the front of the school and  he can only accept cash.

Further information about the author can be found on his website:

We hope that all our children will really enjoy this opportunity. 

Kind regards, 

Mrs McAleny