Parental Update

2nd July 2021
Good afternoon, 
I just wanted to write to say a very big thank you to everyone for all your support and understanding this week. It has been an exceptionally challenging week at school but despite the difficulties we have managed to get through. We are currently running with significantly less staff, but are doing our very best to manage this.
I appreciate that naturally many parents will have had equally difficult weeks with having to either isolate or juggle work/home life whilst having your children at home again. I can only apologise for all the inconvenience caused and thank you for your support. 
Staff have yet again been amazing and have tried to balance assessment week with uploading work for pupils who are isolating at home and ensuring that there is provison for them. The staff in school have also very kindly supported at lunchtimes so that we can safely manage the children with reduced staffing. I am incredibly grateful to them for being so positive and for always being so willing to give more.  
We have had a total of 19 positive covid-19 cases between pupils in Year 6 and Year 2. Just a reminder for parents that Year 6 pupils can return to school on Tuesday 6th July 2021 and Friday 9th July for Year 2 pupils. 
However, if your child has tested positive since the bubble closure it is vital that you ensure that your child isolates for the correct number of days. Track and Trace should be able to support families in making this decison, but it will mean that not all Year 6 and Year 2 pupils will be able to return on the dates outlined.
Please support school in adhering to these dates otherwise we risk an outbreak within school with the potential to have to close either the same or different classes again. 
Staffing September 2021 
I am now able to confirm the staffing arrangements for September 2021. 
F2- Mrs Such 
Y1 -Miss Nederlof
Y2- Mrs Wright & Mrs Daly (job share) 
Y3- Miss Hudson 
Y4- Miss Sothern & Mrs Roe (job share) 
Y5 -Mrs Hulley
Y6- Mrs Nicholls (maternity cover for Mrs Jones) 
The children have all been told who their new class teacher(s) will be in assembly today. As you are aware, we are unable to hold a transition day but we will hopefully be able to provide an opportunity for every class to at least have story time with their new teacher before we break up for the summer. Mrs Nicholls is unable to join us in person so she has recorded a video for the current Year 5 pupils. 
Arrangements for September 2021: 
At the time of writing, schools have not yet received any indication as to what health and safety arrangements will be required within school from September. We remain ever hopeful that bubbles will not exist and that we will be able to return to some sembalance of normality but nothing has been confirmed yet. Unless we receive information from the government shortly, we will be continuing to plan for September with bubbles in place but will then make amendements, if we are able to, from September. 
Thank you for your continued support. 
Stay safe. 
Kind regards, 
Mrs McAleny