Reading books (F2-Y2)

15th June 2022
Dear parents/carers, 
As you will be aware, we have recently collected in all our phonic reading books. These books have now been sorted and aligned with our new phonics scheme 'Supersonic Phonic Friends'.  Your child will be bringing home a reading book this week. However, it is important to note that your child will only be bringing home a book that is decodable to them.
Reading books are not for you to teach your child at home. They are for the children to show you what they have learnt. Therefore, they should be able to read the book fluently. Please do not refer to the colour book bank that your child is reading e.g. red as you will find that your child may have been on a blue book but will now be reading a red book. This does not mean that your child has gone backwards in their reading. It means that your child will be bringing home a book that is completely decodable to them. 
Miss Nederlof (our English lead) has produced a letter for parents explaining this in further detail and this is attached to this email. Please take the time to read this letter so that you understand the changes. 
In addition to your child's reading book, it is vital that all parents prioritise reading for pleasure with your child. Your child needs to be exposed to a wide range of fiction/non-fiction and will benefit enormously from hearing you read to them as well. We cannot stress enough how vital this is for your child's progress across all aspects of the curriculum. Miss Nederlof has produced a letter explaining the importance of reading for pleasure with your child. This again is attached to this email. 
Thank you for your continued support, 
Mrs McAleny